Psychological counselling is intended for all non-Czech speaking CTU students. We provide help through emotional, personal, relationship, or academic situations.
The service is confidential and free of charge.
We support foreign students in coping with demanding situations during their study. This includes struggles associated with university studies such as presentation anxiety, exam stress, time management, making decisions or choices, sleep disorders, neurotic problems. We can also address other issues such as interpersonal relationships, isolation, adjustment to a new culture, self-development, sense of life, addictions, sexual harassment, etc. The counselling service is here for you whatever your concerns are. Don´t wait until a problem has grown very serious; come see us even if you think your problem is relatively minor.
We provide individual face-to-face counselling as well as online counselling.
Online peer chat for students who have mental health problems. It is run by Charles University, but can also be used by students of CTU.
The Student Peer Chat is available every Monday and Wednesday – 18.00 to 20.00. You can post even when the chat is offline, the answer will come later. It is a supportive chat service where the consultants are students of psychology and related fields. These consultants have been trained in active listening and chat-based interventions and are supervised by psychologists. It offers an anonymous and safe space where you can share your difficulties and seek advice from trained peers, who may also guide you to professional help if needed.
1Crisis contacts outside CTU
112 – Emergency telephone number (Integrated Rescue System)
Psychiatry and psychology services
Crisis Intervention Centre, Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital
The centre offers immediate psychiatric and psychological assistance 24/7 with no prior appointment needed. English-speaking doctor is present, however English-speaking telephone service is not guaranteed. The assistance is intended for adults in life situations that they are not able to handle themselves and directs them to constructive solution.
Address: Ústavní 91, 181 02 Prague 8
Phone: +420 284 016 110
Telephone crisis intervention: +420 284 016 666
RIAPS Crisis Centre
Continuous outpatient and residential services for people in acute crisis.
Address: Chelčického 39, Prague 3
Website: About us |
Diacionia SOS centrum – Daytime crisis service
SOS centre provides professional help, support and information to people in difficult or crisis situations, helps clients prevent similar situations from happening and supports clients in solving problems by their own strengths.
Centre is open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. English-speaking service is available.
Address: Varšavská 37, Prague 2
Health care services
Motol University Hospital
Address: U Úvalu 84, Prague 5
Foreigners Department reception: Mon-Fri 7am – 7pm and Sat-Sun 8am– 7pm
Adults: +420 224 433 682
Emergency Motol University Hospital: 24/7
Adults: +420 224 436 767
Military University Hospital
Address: U Vojenské Nemocnice 1200, Prague 6
Information Center (main entrance): 24/7 continuous informaion service
Phone: +420 973 208 333
CTU students may visit general practicioner (GP) MUDr. Milan Czolko:
Dipl. Paed. Willi Roes